Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Hajiyev Yagub Huseyn oglu
Hajiyev Yagub Huseyn oglu was born on May 9, 1929 in Morul village, Shamkir. In 1946 he entered the Veterinary Fukulty of the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute, in 1949 was transferred to the Leningrad Veterinary Institute and in 1951 successfully received a higher education. In 1957 he graduated from the All-Union Institute of Helminthology named after Konstantin Scriabin in Moscow.

In 1952-1956 Yagub Hajiyev was a junior research fellow in the Nakhchivan strongpoint of the Azerbaijan Research Veterinary Experimental Station, in 1956-1958 - head of the Veterinary Department at the Nakhchivan Agricultural Zonal Experimental Station of the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Agriculture, in 1958-1959- chief veterinarian in the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan.

Scientific activity of Yagub Hajiyev began in 1968 in the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine. The scientist worked here for the rest of his life as the head of the laboratory.

In 1957 Hajiyev Yagub defended Ph.D and in 1968 - doctoral dissertation. In 1972 he received the title of professor. In 1972 he was elected as a corresponding member and took up the post of chairman of the Trans Caucasus branch of the All-Union Agricultural Academy of Sciences for livestock and veterinary medicine, in 1991 was elected as active member of the Academy. Since 2001 Y.Hajiyev was an active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The main direction of scientific research of academician Y.Hajiyev was connected with veterinary helminthology. After revealing the regularities of the distribution of helminthiases as a function of the amount of trace elements in the nature and organism of the animal, he developed therapeutic and preventive measures against the most widespread helminthiases and organized their use.

Yagub Hajiyev has developed the scientific basis for the use of trace elements in order to improve the body's resistance and therapy against helminthiases. Due to the implementation of these measures on irrigated lands, the incidence of infection with the acute form of the disease has decreased.

The researches of the scientist were reflected in 180 scientific works, including 10 books. The scientist was the editor-in-chief of the journal Agrarian Science of Azerbaijan, was awarded a number of honorary titles and was awarded orders and prizes.

Hajiyev Yagub Huseyn oglu passed away on July 19, 2009 in Baku.
