Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Mammadov Shirali Nasirzadeh

Mammadov Shirali was born in 1904 in Ordubad, Nakhchivan AR. In 1930 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Academy with a degree in mining engineering.

In 1938 Sh.Mammadov received his PhD degree, in 1948 - Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1959 he was elected as a corresponding member and in 1968 – as an active member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Sh.Mammadov worked in the ore field in Magnitogorsk, the head of the plant "Soyuzmergumush" (Julfa). The scientist led the department of ore deposits development of the Moscow Mining Institute. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as chief engineer at Nahduzfiliz. In 1950-1953 he led the construction of one of the largest mining complexes in Transcaucasia - Dashkasan Mining and Processing Plant. In 1953-1954 he was the Vice-Rector for Research at Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) and in 1956-1959 he was the head of the Department of Geophysics.

Sh.Mammadov conducted scientific research of practical importance and theoretical importance on the destruction of rocks by an explosion, the development of ore and non-metallic deposits, the mine method of oil production and on the classification of underground systems for the development of ore deposits.

Fundamental works of Sh.Mammadov on the development of mineral resources have enriched mining science. The scientist was the author of the first textbooks and teaching aids in the Azerbaijani language for students of the mining faculty of higher educational institutions.

He published over 220 scientific papers, including 23 monographs.

The scientist was awarded the medals "For Difference in Labor", "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (1945), "For Courage" (1945), "Veteran of Labor" (1977) and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1946).

Academician Mammadov Shirali died in 1984 in Baku.
