Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Mikhaylov Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Mikhailov Konstantin Alexandrovich was born on November 20, 1895 in Skobelev (now Fergana) in an intelligent family. After graduating from the gymnasium for boys with a silver medal, he continued his education at the Faculty of Reclamation Engineering at the Central Asian University, and then in January 1925 he graduated from this faculty. A scientist on October 20, 1935 by decision of the USSR Higher Attestation Commission was appointed professor of the Hydraulics Department of the Moscow Institute of Water Management Engineers. On August 26, 1944 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission he received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. On June 18, 1949, based on a decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, he was appointed Professor of the Hydraulics Department of the Moscow Transport Institute.

In 1930-1931 he worked as a professor at the Moscow Institute of Water Management Engineers, as well as head of the hydraulic engineering sector. In 1929-1934 he served as director of the Transcaucasian Research Institute, then deputy director and at the same time head of the department at the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute, and in 1934-1937 he was director of the research sector of the Moscow Institute of Water Engineers.

For the first time a scientist in 1928 organized a special course on hydraulics "Designing irrigation devices based on hydraulic and hydraulic calculations" and applied in higher educational institutions. K.A.Mikhailov also compiled a method for calculating groundwater flows taking into account the critical state of the soil.

The merits of a scientist in the creation and activities of the Transcaucasian Research Institute. In 1930, this institute became the department of irrigation of the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute in Kirovabad (now Ganja).

In 1943 the scientist was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For Valiant Labor" and medals "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow."

K.A.Mikhailov on September 20, 1950 was elected as an active member and was appointed Vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Academician Konstantin Mikhailov died in 1975.
