Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Laboratory of Preservation, Hygiene and Restoration of Manuscripts
Phone (+994 70) 2321119


Kubra Sabir gizi Valiyeva

Total number of employees
Basic activity directions  

Ancient manuscripts and old printed books were provided with hygienic services and most of them were restored. After this process, there was a favorable opportunity to study them scientifically.

More than 150 printed books preserved in the fund have been bound, the retail pages of some books have been arranged, and information about the book's name, author, language and date of writing has been placed on it. Some manuscripts and old printed books collected from the territory of Nakhchivan were involved in the research, the texts of some of them were transliterated and published.

The results of research work in the department, which started operating in 2017 (turned into a laboratory in April 2020), have been published in books, scientific journals and conference proceedings.


1.Farman Khalilov. Scientific, literary and cultural environment of Nakhchivan: researches. Book I. Nakhchivan, Ajami, 2017, 248 p.

2. Farman Khalilov. Seyid Sabri, educated by Nakhchivan literary environment. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 264 p.

3. Catalog of Persian manuscripts and old printed books. Nakhchivan: Tusi, 2018, 120 p. compilers (Farman Khalilov and Fakhraddin Eylazov)

4. Farman Khalilov. Scientific, literary and cultural environment of Nakhchivan: researches. The second book. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2019, 200 p.

5. Farman Khalilov. Manuscripts Fund of Nakhchivan Branch of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2019, 64 p.

6. Catalog of Turkic manuscripts and printed books. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2019, 104 p. compiler (Farman Khalilov)


1.Farman Khalilov. In the trace of a manuscript of Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib / Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib: destiny and carreer. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2017, pp. 47-55.

2. Farman Khalilov. Precious manuscripts // South Azerbaijan literature: researches. The fourth book. Baku: “Ulu” PCF, 2017, pp. 50-59.

3. Kubra Valiyeva. Nakhchivan scholars in the memoirs "Danismandani Azerbaijan" by Mahammadali Tarbiyat  // Azerbaijani manuscripts dedicated to the study of manuscripts on the culture, literature and history of Islamic countries in world libraries, materials of the 2nd International scientific-theoretical conference. November 29, 2017, pp. 68-69.

4. Farman Khalilov. Letters of Gulam Mammadli to Mammadali Nigabi, the miracleist of South Azerbaijan // Manuscripts do not burn. Collection of scientific articles of the Institute of Manuscripts named after M.Fuzuli of ANAS. 2018, № 1, pp. 42-48.

5. Farman Khalilov. Persian language manuscripts and printed books protected in the Manuscripts Fund of Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS // Institute of Manuscripts named after M.Fuzuli of ANAS. Manuscripts do not burn (collection of scientific articles). 2018, №2, pp. 139-143

6. Kubra Valiyeva. The guideword about Karbalai Kazim Ibn Karbalai Aga Saleh Ordubadi and his manuscript “Sarfi-Mir”  // Researches of Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS (Art, Language and Literature series). 2018, volume 8, № 1, pp. 61-64.

7. Kubra Valiyeva. On the features of compiling the manuscript "Sarfi-Mir" // Researches of Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS (Art, Language and Literature series). 2018, volume 8, № 2, pp. 67-69.

8. Kubra Valiyeva. Arabic writing as the basis of ancient paleography // "Nakhchivan" University. Scientific works (Economics, philology, history, geography, pedagogy and psychology, mathematics), 2018, № 2, pp. 113-116.

9. Kubra Valiyeva, Nijabat Islamova. Some notes on the life and work of Baba Nematullah Nakhchivani // “Nakhchivan” University. Scientific works (Economics, philology, history, geography, pedagogy and psychology, mathematics), 2018, № 3, pp. 140-145.

10.Farman Khalilov. Personal archive of Seyid Sabri // Institute of Manuscripts named after M.Fuzuli of ANAS. Scientific works. 2019, № 2, pp. 145-151.

11.Farman Khalilov. Irreplaceable sources of science and culture, history and literature / Catalog of Turkish manuscripts and printed books. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2019, pp. 3-12.

12. Kubra Valiyeva. Some notes on the “Tasrif” section of the “Sarfi-Mir” manuscript by Karbalai Kazim Ordubadi // News of the Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS (social and humanitarian sciences series). 2019, volume 15, № 1, pp. 201-205.

13. Kubra Valiyeva. On the manuscript "Sarfi-Mir" by Karbalai Kazim Ordubadi // Scientific Works of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. 2018, volume 7, № 2, pp. 46-53.

14. Kubra Valiyeva. Paleographic features and scientific significance of Karbalai Kazim Ordubadi's manuscript "Avamil" // Scientific works of Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS (series of social and humanitarian sciences). 2020, volume 16, № 1, pp. 174-178.

Main scientific achievements