Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Department of Caucasian history
Phone (+994 50) 6370335 

Emin Arif oglu Shikhaliyev                        

doctor of historical sciences, Assistant professor
Total number of employees
Basic activity directions   Analyzing and exploring the offstage of Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict, safety of South Caucasus, geopolitical interests in the appearance of ethnical-national conflicts, investigation of Nakhchivan’s positions in the regional and international policy, the Armenian mythological, religious, political claims against Azerbaijan especially Nakhchivan, principally the directions of “the religion strategy”. 
Main scientific achievements 

The historical roots of the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict have been investigated in the context of geopolitical interests and collision of civilizations, the falsity of the claims against Nakhchivan was refuted on the basis of neat arguments, was viewed the political approaches of the leading states of the world to this conflict and the place of the Armenian claims against Nakhchivan in the international plane was analysed. The genocides made by Armenians with the support of the great powers have been investigated on the basis of the local and foreign archive and literature materials.

  1. Armenian problem from the view point of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Ankara: Turk Kultur ve Eghitim Norm Gelishtirme Vakfi , 2002, 231p.;(Turkish).
  2. Russia, Iran, Turkey rivalry in Caucasian geopolicy and Armenian factor. Ankara: Naturel yayinjilik, 2004, 378 p.;(Turkish).
  3. Political essence of Armenian claims. Baku: Nurlan, 2006, 186p.; (Azerbaijani).
  4. The Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict in the context of inter-civilization relations. Baku: Elm ve tahsil, 2011, 324 p.; (Azerbaijani).
  5. Place of “Armenian problem” in the geopolitical interests of England and its influence on Azerbaijan (on the basis of the archive materials of Great Britain). (1917-1920). Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2016, 144p.; (Azerbaijani).
  6. The place of Nakhchivan in the geo-political interests of the great powers  related to Azerbaijan. Baku: Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2017, 300 p.(Azerbaijani).
  7. Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the context of conflict of geopolitical interests (Azerbaijani).
  8. The target of modern crusades: terrorism or Islam?! Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2019, 152 p (Azerbaijani).
  9. The New World Order and its essence. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2020, 200 p. (Azerbaijani)