Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Vivarium

Total number of employees
Basic activity directions   To ensure the performance of the work on the maintenance and reproduction of laboratory animals;

To prepare perspective thematic plans and monitor their implementation;

To comply with the requirements of sanitary and veterinary rules, ensuring protection of the stored laboratory animals, ensuring their proper nutrition;

To create the necessary conditions for keeping animals, approaching them humanist;

To facilitate the implementation of research on the basis of the vivarium and to monitor the implementation of the experiments in accordance with the sanitary rules;

To analyze the activity of the vivarium to develop new proposals for the maintenance, reproduction, breeding and treatment of certain species;

To participate in laboratory diagnostic research.

To organize the study of diseases and pathologies of animals stored in the vivarium.

Organizing livestock transplantation by establishing contacts with other organizations.

To work on creating and improving new standards for animal feeding;

To coordinate the activities of the animals working with animals

To develop a report on the activity of the vivarium.

Main scientific achievements  The breeding of pigs and quails is currently carried out through the incubator in the Vivarium.