Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department “Sorption processes”

Department “Sorption processes”
Phone (+994 50) 6891913,(+994 12) 5108592 
Fax (+994 12) 5107442 

Chief  Ali-Najaf Gulu Nuriyev

doctor of sciences in chemistry, professor, corresponding member of ANAS

Total number of employees 38 
Basic activity directions   Development of technological processes for obtaining and modification of synthetic and mineral sorbents, extraction of microelements from natural waters and treatment of waste waters from toxic components.
Main scientific achievements  Extraction of cobalt, copper and uranium from industrial waters by titanium, manganese sorbent was studied. Composition and basic parameters of the sorbent was established by spectral analysis. Optimum extraction regime of cobalt, copper and uranium by sorption method from industrial sewage was determined. Optimum desorption regime for extraction of cobalt was selected. Copper and uranium is found to be 96-98%. Sorption of methylene blue from solutions on Fe(III)-bentonite were researched. Compliance of experimental data with theoretical results allows defining which sorption stage is limiting-transition of methylene blue from solution to solid phase or displacement of it in pores of solid phase. Mathematical modeling of this process was conducted using experimental data to spread the information on sorption process of methylene blue from solution on Fe(III)-bentonite. Resulting the experimental and theoretical researches of adsorption MB on Fe(III)-bentonite it was established that kinetic and diffusion coefficient of length displacement vary with the change of concentration of methylene blue in solution, but value of general and internal coefficient of kinetics are stable. Satisfactory compliance between calculated and experimental concentrations of sorbate and solute affords ground to conclude that this method can be used in modeling such processes. All parameters of these processes are calculated by this model. Adsorption properties, as well as nature and distribution of acidic-basic centers of diatomite, cliptilolite and mordenite and their modified forms were studied. Researches were performed to recover sulphur dioxide and optimum regime for this process was found out. It was recommended for industrial application.