Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Division of Social Sciences

Division of Social Sciences
Address AZ1001, 30, Istiglaliyyat street, Presidium of ANAS 
Phone (+994 12) 4925180;  (+994 12) 4925385

(+994 12) 4925937


Establishment history

History of the Department Organization    On March 27, 1945 alongside with the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences the Department of the Social Sciences was established. The staff of the Department was approved by the Presidium of ANAS on May 21. At that period 5 scientific institutions of social sciences direction functioned within the Department. Two of them were the Institutes (Institute of History, Institute of Philosophy), one museum (Museum of History) and one sector (Sector of Economy).

In 1960 changes were made in the structure of the Department: new two scientific research institutions were established (Institute of Economy and Institute of Oriental Studies) and one sector (Sector of Philosophy).

Starting from 1981 the Department of Social Sciences started to function as two independent departments: the Department of History, Philosophy and Law and the Department of Literature, Language and Art. In 1990 the Department restored its previous name as the Department of History, Philosophy and Law.

The Department of Humanities was created in 2001 on the base of the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Literature, Language and Art.

Before the establishment of the Department of Social Sciences the humanities and social sciences were ruled by two vice-presidents of ANAS Heydar Huseinov (1945-1950) and Samed Vurgun Vekilov (1950-1957). In the future in different periods of time the Department was ruled by the academicians Mammad Arif Dadashzada (1959-1961), Ismail Huseinov (1962-1968), Mammadaga Shiraliyev (1969-1969),    Alisohbet Sumbatzada (1970-1981), IlgarAliyev (1981-1985), Mammad Jafar Jafarov (1981-1986), Ahmad Mahmudov (1985-1987), AslanAslanov (1987-1997), Baki rNabiyev (1987-2001), Jamil Guliyev (1997-2001), Agamusa Akhundov (2001-2011), Kamal Abdullayev (2011-2014). In 2014 Teymur Gashim Karimli became an academic-secretary of the Department.

According to the Order № 386 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev from December 11, 2014 on the abolition of the Order № 837 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan from January 4, 2003 on “Statute of ANAS” and “On the approval of the Statute of ANAS” there were established the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Humanities in the structure of ANAS.

At the General Council of ANAS that took place on April 29, 2015 was decided to organize the operation of the Department of Humanities and the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS. According to the decision of ANAS № 1/12 from April 29, 2015 correspondent-member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova was appointed an academic-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences. 

Currantly there are 7 scientific research institutions and 1 museum in the Department of Social Sciences: A.A.Bakikhanov Institute of History, Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Z.Bunyadov, Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Economy, Institute of Caucasian Studies and the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan.

9 academicians and 15 correspondent-members works at the Department of Social Sciences.

Chairman of the Scientific Council of Division Academician Bakhshaliyeva Govhar Bakhshali gizi

Phone: (+994 12) 4929710

Fax: (+994 12) 4929707

Scientific secretary Zumrud Ibrahim gizi Mansimova

PhD in philology

Office phone: (+994 12) 4925180

Mob. tel.: (+994 55) 5765235



Scientific Council:

- chairman

- deputies

- members


Bakhshaliyeva Govhar Bakhshali gizi

Akhundova Nargiz Chingiz gizi

Valikhanli Naila Mammadali gizi

Hajiyev Ismayil Mukhtar oglu

Mahmudov Yagub Mikayil oglu

Samadzadeh Ziyad Aliabbas oglu

Mustafayev Shahin Macid oglu

Muradov Shahbaz Musa oglu

Bunyadzade Konul Yusif gizi

Gasimli Musa Jafar oglu


Division members Mehdiyev Ramiz Anvar oglu

Samadzadeh Ziyad Aliabbas oglu

Office phone: (+994 12) 4372021

Mob.: (+994 50) 2149443

Hajiyev Ismayil Mukhtar oglu

Office phone: (+994 36) 5446580

Mob.: (+994 50) 2117658

Valikhanli Naila Mammadali gizi

Office phone: (+994 12) 4932387

Mob.: (+994 50) 3245393

Akhundova Nargiz Chingiz gizi

Mob. tel.: (+994 50) 3117975


Khalilov Salahaddin Sadraddin oglu

Mob.: (+994 50) 2129047

Mahmudov Yagub Mikayil oglu

Mob.: (+994 50) 2866361

Malikova Masuma Fazil gizi

Office phone: (+994 12) 5390484

Mob.: (+994 50) 3672131

Muradov Shahbaz Musa oglu

Office phone: (+994 12) 5102858

Mob.: (+994 55) 7848820

Mustafayev Shahin Macid oglu

Mamedaliyeva Sevda Yusif gizi 

Nuriyev Ali Khudu oglu

Office phone: (+994 12) 5393152

Mob.: (+994 50) 3399609

Bakhshaliyev Vali Bakhshali oglu

Mob.: (+994 50) 3890366

Safarli Hajifakhraddin Yahya oglu

Office phone: (+994 36) 5450671

Mob.: (+994 50) 3536875

Bunyadov Teymur Amiraslan oglu

Gasimli Musa Jafar oglu

Office phone: (+994 12) 5398951

Mob.: (+994 50) 3594595

Imanov Gorkmaz Cahangir oglu

Office phone: (+994 12) 5102690

Mob.: (+994 50) 3104003

Bunyadzade Konul Yusif gizi

Office phone: (+994 12) 4981745

Mob.: (+994 50) 3208025

Research Institutions attached to the division Institute of History named after Abbasgulu Agha Bakikhanov

Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology

Institute of Economy

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology


National Museum of Azerbaijan History 

Institute of Caucasian study

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov

Scientific publications

"Social Sciences" journal of ANAS 

Proceedings of ANAS (Economy series), (Institute of Economy)

Scientifik works (collection of articles), (A.A. Bakikhanov Institute of History)

Archaeology and Ethnography (researches), (Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology)

Scientific researches (philology of the Orient) Institute of Oriental Studies named after Z. Bunyadov

Collection of scientific articles (National Mouseum of the history of Azerbaijan)

Scientific councils on scientific directions