Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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"Historical ethnography" department
Phone (+994 12) 5108419  
Chief  Shirinkhanim Bunyadova
Total number of employees 19
Basic activity directions   The study of the history of the material – spiritual culture, the family household life of Azerbaijan.   
Main scientific achievements 

The Department of Historical Ethnography of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of the Sciences of Azrbaijan has been working since XXth century. During this period, the collaborators of the department had participated in the ethnographical expeditions in all regions of Azerbaijan which is very rich from ethnographical point of view and they gathered lots of materials. Large scale investigations had been done on the Azerbaijan ethnography due to the materials about the material and spiritual culture and the history of the country. During more than 50 years, department has published 10 s of monography, hundreds of scientific articles. At the same time more than 30 candidate of philosophy and over 10 doctorate of philisophy had been prepared here.

The Department first time in the Republic had issued a book “Azerbaijan Ethnography” with three volumes in 2007. This precious book is called “a phenomenon in science”. The collaborators of the department had issued more 10 monographies, during the last two years. Two wokrs had been published in native and persian languages in Tehran. More than 100 scientific articles of the collaborators of the department had been issued in the republic and abroad. At the present moment, the works of “The History of Gabala”, “The Etnography of Gabala”, “The folclore of Gabala” are going to be published in native, russian and english languages.

The staff of the department took part in joint scientific work with the Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the compilation of the work "Azerbaijanians" (in Russian), published in Moscow (2017).