Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics achieved great success over its 60th activity
15.08.2019 10:06
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ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics achieved great success over its 60th activity

One of the main centers of mathematical science in republic ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics is 60th. Two independent institutes by decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 27, 1959 were created on the basis of ANAS Institutes of Physics and Mathematics: the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.

In 1959 the main fields of research of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics were functional analysis and its application, function theory, differential and integral equations, algebra and topology, computational mathematics and mathematical cybernetics. At that time, 6 departments, 1 laboratory, and 1 computer center functioned at the institute. Next, a number of new laboratory departments were created.

For 60 years of its work, ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics has become a major center of mathematical science in the country and has achieved great success in the development of mathematics and mechanics, as well as successful scientific results.

In the development of the institute, the creation of scientific schools of mathematics and mechanics, the training of highly qualified personnel were irreplaceable services of such Soviet scientists as Khalil Rahmatulin, Andrey Tikhonov, Aleksey Ilyushin, Andrey Kolmogorov and others. And scientists from Azerbaijan: academicians Zahid Khalilov, Ibrahim Ibrahimov, Ashraf Huseynov, Majid Rasulov, Azad Mirzajanzade, Jalal Allahverdiyev, Mirabbas Gasimov, Faraz Magsudov and as well as corresponding members of ANAS - Magsud Javadov, Yusif Amanzade, Goshgar Ahmadov, Mais Javadov, Yahya Mammadov and Arif Babayev.

From 1970, as a result of research and close international cooperation with leading scientific centers of the USSR, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics is one of the most advanced scientific centers in mathematics and mechanics.

As a result of the wise national and foreign policies of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev, who returned to the country for the second time in June 1993, political stability was restored, economic development was laid down, and large-scale scientific and educational reforms began. The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics entered a new phase of its development.

Scientists of institute expanded the international contacts, continued scientific contacts with the leading scientific centers of foreign countries, participated in the international and national competitions and won ANAS research programs.

According to the decision of ANAS Presidium it is planned to hold an international conference on "Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics" and prepare publications devoted to the 60th anniversary of the institute.

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