Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Congratulations to academician Anvar Nahmedov on his 60th anniversary!
23.08.2019 12:15
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Congratulations to academician Anvar Nahmedov on his 60th anniversary!

Anvar Pirverdi oglu Nahmedov is a well-known physicist, head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Baku branch of Moscow State University.

Anvar Nahmedov was born on August 24, 1959 in Baku. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Azerbaijan State University in 1981. On September 1 of the same year he began his career at the Institute of Physics of ANAS in the laboratory headed by Academician Firudin Hashimzade. In 1982-84 he passed training at the Institute of Physics and Technology named after A.F.Ioffe, Leningrad, USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1988 he defended PhD and in 2012 doctoral dissertation . In 2014 he was elected a correspondent member of ANAS, and in 2017 an active member.

The scientist's research on mesoscopic fluctuations in nanostructured physics and high-temperature superconducting effects in copper-oxide ceramics has been published in influential American and European journals.

Academician A.Nahmedov is engaged in pedagogical activity in addition to his scientific activity. He has lectured at undergraduate and postgraduate courses at universities in Turkey and Germany. Training of scientific personnel plays a great role in the pedagogical activity of the scientist. Under his scientific management, doctors of philosophy and sciences in physical sciences were trained.

The scientist currently heads Laboratory at the Institute of Physics of ANAS. At the same time, he has been working as a dean at the Faculty of Physics at the Baku branch of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov since 2016.

A.Nahmedov is the author of more than 90 scientific articles, including "Additive and Correlation Effects in Low-Dimension Systems".

The main directions of scientific researches of A.Nahmedov's research are the physics of nano structures, the theory of extreme conductivity, Anderson localization in irregular semiconductors, ab-initio DFT calculations, spintronic and topological dielectrics.

He has represented Azerbaijan science by delivering speeches at numerous international conferences, symposiums and congresses.

Congratulations to a prominent physicist on his 60th anniversary, we wish him good health, success in his scientific and pedagogical activities!

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