Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.10.2019 17:07
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“Hamsa” poem by Nizami Ganjavi in Uzbek presented

“Hamsa” poem by Nizami Ganjavi in Uzbek presented

ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a presentation of “Hamsa” poem by brilliant poet Nizami Ganjavi, translated into Uzbek on October 10.

The material was translated by the national poet Jamal Kamal into Uzbek by support of Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan.

The event was attended by the deputy of the Milli Majlis, Professor Ganira Pashayeva, Doctor of Philology Sona Valieva, Director of Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan Samir Abbasov, member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, journalist Babakhan Sharif, poetess Khasiyat Rustamova, historian and publicist Shohrat Barlas, mass media and others.

Opening the ceremony, Director of Museum, academician Rafael Huseynov delivered a peper on “New Triumph of Hamsa” Nizami”. Academician noted that, the legacy of the great Nizami Ganjavi, who lived in the XII-XIII centuries, was always in the center of attention of world literary and scientific thought and was preserved as an inexhaustible treasure. Rafael Huseynov noted that, Nizami’s work had raised the Persian language to the highest level, but in all his works one could feel the breath of the Russian language.

It was noted that, since 1936 Tashkent State Pedagogical University has named after the brilliant Azerbaijani poet Nizami, whose literary work is always in the focus of the scientific and literary community of Uzbekistan. Noting that, the book was translated with great professionalism by Jamal Kamal, academic publication will be sent to research centers speaker said.

R.Huseynov also added that, at present Alisher Navoi’s “Hamsa” is translated into Azerbaijani by Doctor of Philology Ramiz Asker.

Then, Director of Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan Samir Abbasov spoke on the activities of the organization led by him. He noted that, the center was opened in 2013 and in recent years more than 60 books on the history, culture and literature of Azerbaijan have been translated into the Uzbek language.

Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Museum, Doctor of Philology, Professor Khatiri Bashirli delivered paper on "Nizami and Uzbek literature", head of the Department, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kamil Allahyarov on “The role of translation in promoting the works by Nizami”.

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