Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Masuma Melikova turns 90
25.11.2019 11:08
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Corresponding member of ANAS Masuma Melikova turns 90

On November 22, Honored Lawyer of Azerbaijan, head Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Law Faculty of Baku State University, corresponding member of ANAS Masuma Melikova turns 90 years old. 

Masuma Fazil gizi Melikova was born on November 22, 1929 in Baku. She educated at the Faculty of Law at Azerbaijan State University (ASU) in 1947-1952. After graduation, she worked as a teacher, and then as a senior teacher in the Department of State Law at the Faculty of Law at ASU, and then as an assistant professor in 1960-1968. From 1968 to the present, she is the head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Law Faculty of BSU.

In 1958, M. Melikova defended her thesis on “Political views of M.F. Akhundov,” and in 1973, her doctoral thesis on topic “Political and legal views of Azerbaijani enlighteners in the second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.” In 1974 she received the academic title of professor. In 1989 she was elected a corresponding member of ANAS.

The scientific activity of the scientist is devoted to the study of two important areas of jurisprudence - the history of political and legal doctrines and urgent problems of the theory of state and law. Professor M. Melikova is the founder of the school for the study of the history of political and legal doctrines in Azerbaijan. For the first time in Azerbaijan, it laid the foundation for studying the history of national political and legal thought and created a new direction in jurisprudence.

She played an invaluable role in the formation of highly qualified personnel in our country, the training of new specialists familiar with the depth of legal science. Professional personnel trained by scientists contribute to the development of our legal science, as well as the process of building a rule of law in independent Azerbaijan. Under her scientific supervision, more than 35 master's theses were defended, including 4 doctoral theses.

M. Melikova was one of the drafters of the constitutional law on sovereignty of Azerbaijan dated September 23, 1989, as well as a member of the Commission for the preparation of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1978 and the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1995, led by national leader Heydar Aliyev.

The scientist is the author of more than 200 monographs, textbooks, study guides, as well as numerous scientific articles published in Azerbaijan and abroad. Her book, The Theory of Law, released in 2019, has become a book table for lawyers.

The well-known lawyer is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Councils of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the General Prosecutor's Office.

The merits of Professor Masuma Melikova were highly appreciated by our state. In 1969 she was awarded the honorary title “Honorary Lawyer of the Azerbaijan SSR”, in 1976 the Order of the Badge of Honor, in 1985 the Veteran Medal and in 2000 the Order of Shokhrat. In October 2009, she was awarded a personal scholarship from the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for her contribution to the development of education and science in Azerbaijan.

The scientist was awarded the breastplate "Advanced Education Worker" of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs and ANAS.

Congratulations to ANAS corresponding member Masuma Melikova on her 90th birthday and wish her robust health and success in her work!

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