Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.12.2019 09:29
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Sheki hosted the international scientific conference devoted to 650th jubilee of Nasimi

Sheki hosted the international scientific conference devoted to 650th jubilee of Nasimi

In accordance with the Orders of President Ilham Aliyev “On holding the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi” and “On declaring 2019 the Republic of Azerbaijan as the Year of Nasimi”, an international scientific conference “The Age of Imadaddin Nasimi: socio-political life and culture” was held in Sheki.

The organizers of the conference are the institutes of History, Oriental Studies, History of Science and Executive Power of the city of Sheki.

At the beginning of the event, a literary-artistic composition of teachers and students of Sheki State Regional College was demonstrated, prepared on the verses of Nasimi.

Opening the conference, head of the executive power of the city of Sheki, Elkhan Usubov, said that events dedicated to the work of Nasimi were held in the country and abroad.

Director of the Institute of History academician Yagub Mahmudov, said that in Soviet times they claimed that Nasimi was allegedly against the religion of Allah - Islam. In fact, he called for the development of science, enlightenment, opposed superstition and ignorance. Nasimi was a supporter of reform in religion.

Yagub Mahmudov noted that the passion “Nasimi” of our ingenious composer Firangiz Alizadeh played an important role in promoting the unquenchable love of life of our great poet, his struggle for justice.

Then, professors from Turkey, chair of the Turkic Historical Society Refik Turan, Selma Yale from the University of Gazi and Fatma Turan from the University of Haji Bayramveli, delivered lectures at the conference.

It was noted that on the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in the 70s of the last century, the 600th anniversary of the birth of Nasimi was celebrated at the UNESCO level. A monument to the poet was erected in Baku and a feature film was shot.

During the conference, professors Refik Turan and Selma Yale were awarded diplomas of an honorary doctor of the Institute of History of ANAS for their great contribution to the development of Azerbaijani-Turkish scientific relations.

The conference continued with sections.

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