Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Last Solar Eclipse observed on December 26 this year
27.12.2019 09:02
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Last Solar Eclipse observed on December 26 this year

On December 26, residents of the Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India and Southeast Asia watched the final solar eclipse of the year ending. Ring eclipse has also been observed in some cities of Asia part of Russia.

Thousands of people in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, and Saudi Arabia flow to the streets to see this natural phenomenon.

Partial eclipse was observed in Central Asian countries, Ural and Siberia.

During the ring eclipse, during an annular eclipse, the lunar disk is too small to totally cover over the sun, so an annulus or thin ring of the sun’s surface surrounds the new moon silhouette.

The next eclipse will occur on December 14, 2020. This event will be seen in Chile and Argentina, south-west Africa and Antarctica.

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