Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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07.01.2020 16:30
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Academician Bahadir Taghiyev was carried on the last journey

Academician Bahadir Taghiyev was carried on the last journey

On January 7, the farewell ceremony with academician Bahadir Taghiyev was held in the main building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The farewell ceremony was attended by the president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, head of the department for humanitarian policy, diaspora, multiculturalism and religion Farah Aliyeva, representatives of the intelligentsia, the scientific community and various government agencies.

The coffin with the body of the deceased was exhibited on a pedestal in the mournfully decorated hall of the building of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Around the coffin, wreaths were laid out from government organizations and various collectives.

Mourning music sounded in the hall.

Colleagues, friends, acquaintances of Academician Bahadir Taghiyev, well-known scientists were sent to the building of the Academy in order to say goodbye to a prominent scientist and a wonderful person.

ANAS Vice-President, academician Rasim Aliguliyev spoke about the meaningful life path, the scientific and pedagogical activities of the prominent scientist Bahadir Taghiyev, the achievements he won. He noted that academician B. Taghiyev is one of those scientists whose effective work in the field of semiconductor physics, technology, and technology has become a solid contribution to the development of the science of physics in our republic. Under his leadership, important research work was carried out. Under the guidance of the scientist, up to 40 doctors of philosophy and doctors of sciences were trained. Academician Bahadir Tagiyev’s scientific, scientific, organizational and pedagogical activity was appreciated by the state. In 1988, he received the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in 2005 he was awarded the Order of Shohrat, and in 2018 - the honorary title of Honored Worker of Science.

In 1964, Bahadir Tahiyev defended his PhD, in 1977 - a doctoral thesis  in physical and mathematical sciences, in 1984 he received the title of professor. In 2001, he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2014 – an active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Deputy Director for Science academician Javad Abdinov noted that Bahadir Taghiyev, who made a valuable contribution to Azerbaijani science, always held the title of scientist and teacher. He said that Bahadir Taghiyev was notable for his activity in the socio-political and scientific-pedagogical life of our country. He achieved important scientific and technical results in the field of obtaining crystals of binary and complex semiconductor compounds, the effects of the high-voltage electric field in them, the study of luminescent phenomena, the creation of new phosphors and light sources. Under the guidance of the scientist, memory elements controlled by electromagnetic radiation, receivers with high modulation coefficients, photodiodes and other switches were created and introduced. The fundamental works of the academician, who successfully represented Azerbaijani science at international symposiums, conferences and forums, were highly appreciated by the authoritative scientific circles of several countries.

Director of the Institute of Control Systems, academician Telman Aliyev also turned to the scientific activities of Bahadir Taghiyev, noted that the memory of the scientist will live forever in the hearts of future generations of researchers.

Vice-rector of the National Academy of Aviation, Professor Adalat Samadov said that from 1996-2009, Bahadir Tagiyev was a professor at the NAA Physics Department, and since 2009 he served as director of the Scientific and Research Institute of Transport and Aerospace Problems of this Academy, and was the head of the Department of Physics. He took a direct part both in the educational process and in conducting scientific work at the academy. Under his leadership, specialists, scientific personnel in many areas of the physical and aerospace spheres were trained. Under the guidance of the scientist, a lot of research work was done, contracts were concluded with various ministries, organizations and companies. He attached great importance to the application in teaching the results of the work carried out at the Research Institute of Transport and Aerospace Problems. As the head of the department of general and applied physics, the scientist created two laboratories. Under his leadership, numerous scientific and methodological manuals used in the educational process were published. Bahadir Taghiyev has always paid great attention to the development of the young generation.

Speaking on behalf of the family of the late academician, his son Ogtay Taghiyev expressed gratitude to the participants in the ceremony.

Then the coffin with the body of the deceased was carried out on the last journey.

The deceased was interred in the second Alley of Honor.

Allah Rehmet Elesin!

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