Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


There May Be Active Volcanoes on Venus: New Evidence
08.01.2020 09:27
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There May Be Active Volcanoes on Venus: New Evidence

Venus may still harbor active volcanoes, with eruptions taking place as recently as a few years ago, a new study finds.

Aside from Earth, the only other place known to host active volcanoes that spew lava is Jupiter's moon Io. Mars and Earth's moon once had active volcanoes, but they died long ago.

Still, there are hints that Venus might harbor active volcanoes, such as traces of sulfurous gases seen in its atmosphere. In addition, about a decade ago, scientists analyzing data from the European Space Agency's Venus Express probe suggested that some of the lava flows on Venus are less than 2.5 million years old, and possibly even less than 250,000 years old.

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