Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


New self-destructive device greatly simplifies human endoscopy
27.01.2020 16:45
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New self-destructive device greatly simplifies human endoscopy

Some types of tests require the patient to swallow a special device, which then must be given through the oral cavity. This approach causes painful discomfort, and also carries a risk of damage to one of the patient's organs. The new development is based on a self-destructive device that does not cause problems with excretion.

Specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggest that the patient swallow a ball coated with polymer hydrogel during endoscopy. After completion of the procedure, the object inside the body is destroyed when exposed to light with a wavelength of 405 to 365 nanometers, from blue to ultraviolet. 

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