Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


31.01.2020 15:43
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Museum held an event on "Volunteerism is a service to the motherland"

Museum held an event on "Volunteerism is a service to the motherland"

On the initiative of the first territorial organization of the NAP “Historians of Azerbaijan”, National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS held an event entitled "Volunteerism is a service to the motherland", dedicated to the February 2 - Azerbaijani Youth Day.

Speaking at the event, which began with the national anthem, Parvana Azimova, chairman of the first territorial organization of the NAP "Historians of Azerbaijan" of the museum, said that 2020 was declared a year of volunteers in our country by the order of President Ilham Aliyev.

The event was attended by the head of the Archeological Science Foundation of the museum Ph.D. Associate Professor Nasir Guluzadeh spoke on "2020 is the Year of Volunteers," senior researcher of the Scientific and Mass Work and Education Department Ph.D. in History Ali Farhadov "Historical Overview of Youth Policy in Azerbaijan", chief of Ethnography Foundation Ph.D. in History Sevinj Nasirova on “Azerbaijani youth – our present and future” etc.

Event contunied with an art section.

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