Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Lectures of Azerbaijani scientists aroused great interest in an international conference in Switzerland
18.02.2020 14:56
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Lectures of Azerbaijani scientists aroused great interest in an international conference in Switzerland

The University of Bern and the Eurasian Research Society held an international scientific conference on the theme: "Dialogue of cultures: Central Asia at the center of the interaction of trade, culture and knowledge." At the event, our country was represented by Academician Shahin Mustafayev, Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS, and Farda Asadov, Ph.D. in History.

During the conference, our scientists delivered lectures in a session on the history of Azerbaijan. Academician Shahin Mustafayev presented a report on the activities of the Caspian trade route in northeast Azerbaijan and the state of historical monuments along this route, and Farda Asadov presented an analysis of archaeological facts proving the existence of the Khazars in the northern regions of Azerbaijan in the early Middle Ages.

The statements of Azerbaijani scientists aroused great interest of the conference participants.

Shahin Mustafayev and Farda Asadov also attended the meeting of the Academic Council of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies in Bern. At a meeting of the academic council of the institute, the organization’s activities for the next year were discussed and scientific projects approved for implementation in 2020-2021 were approved.

The event was attended by about 40 historians and archaeologists from Switzerland, France, England, Italy, Germany, the USA, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

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