Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Jores Alfyorov’s 90th anniversary
17.03.2020 09:04
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Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Jores Alfyorov’s 90th anniversary

Outstanding scientist in semiconductor physics, semiconductor and quantum electronics, USSR and Russian State Prize Laureate, Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Honorary member of ANAS, academician Alfyorov Jores Ivanovich was born on March 15, 1930 in Vitebsk.

In 1952 has graduated the Leningrad Electro technical Institute named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin). Labour activity beginnings in 1953 as the engineer in Physic technical Institute named after A.F.Ioffe of AS of the USSR. From 1953 till 1964 worked as the younger scientific employee, from 1964 till 1967 - the senior staff scientist. From 1967 till 1973 - managing of the sector, from 1973 till 1990 - managing of the laboratory, since 1987 - director of the same institute. From 1989 till 1991 was chairman of the Presidium of Leningrad Centre of Science of AS of the USSR. Since 1991 till at the present time chairman of Presidium of the St.-Petersburg Centre of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences from April 25,1990.

He is elected by the correspondent-member at Branch of the Common Physics and Astronomies (physics) from November 28, 1972, the academician of Branch of the Common Physics and Astronomy (physics, astronomy) from March15, 1979.

For works on semiconductors, heterojunctions and to devices on their basis has awarded the Lenin premium in 1972 and has awarded the State premium of the USSR in 1984.

The Nobel Prize Winner in Physics (2000).

On April, 2004 J.I.Alfyorov has been elected by the honorary member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He died on 1 March 2019, in St.Petersburgh city, Russia.

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