Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Coronavirus Cured Antibodies Help Stop the Epidemic
18.03.2020 09:46
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Coronavirus Cured Antibodies Help Stop the Epidemic

American researchers believe that antibodies to COVID-19 can provide protection for the most vulnerable segments of the population, including the elderly and medical professionals. This temporary measure will last until a complete vaccine is ready.

Even according to the most optimistic estimates, the Chinese coronavirus vaccine will appear no earlier than in a year. A more realistic forecast - not earlier than after 1.5 years. The most pessimistic - after 2 years or even later. In this situation, researchers have to quickly look for alternative approaches to the prevention and treatment of a dangerous disease.

Specialists from Johns Hopkins University have proposed using antibodies from the blood serum of people who have already been ill with them to combat coronavirus. According to Science Alert, such therapy was quite successfully used at the end of the 19th century as a method of treating measles, polio and influenza.

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