Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


“Literary Process - 2013” proceedings published
21.10.2014 00:00
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“Literary Process - 2013” proceedings published

“Literary Process - 2013” creative workshop that held on April 2 this year at the Institute of Literature was one of the most important events in Azerbaijan literature study in recent years. Creative meeting in the format of “Literary process” was first performed at the Institute of literature 30 years ago in 1984.

“Literary Process - 2013” is of great importance as the first creative meeting devoted to the period of independence of Azerbaijan literature. Leading scientific and ideological direction of this meeting are - Azerbaijanism, nationality and humanity. It should be noted that the proceedings of the meeting were presented to the press by the Academic Council, Institute of Literature and published in a bulk. The preface, entitled “Literary Process - 2013: restoration of tradition and a new stage” was authored by vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli.

The new edition reflects reports on the process and the changes occurring in the field of poetry, poems, fiction, drama, literary criticism, art journalism, literary translation. The bulk includes the following reports: “Literary landscape of a year“ by head of the department of literary criticism PhD Vagif Yusifli, “Poem 2013” by Nargis Jabbarli, “Poem creativity of a year” (the collapse of the genre, or our indifference to literature?)” by PhD in philology Elnara Akimova, “Fiction” by PhD in philosophy Salida Sharifova, “Criticism and contemporary literature” by PhD Rahida Ulusel etc.

Bulk published by the publishing house “Hedef neshrleri” is of great importance in terms of in-depth study of the literary process in Azerbaijan.

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