Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.11.2014 00:00
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Possibilities of collaboration between German scientists and representatives of Scientific Diaspora of Azerbaijan

Possibilities of collaboration between German scientists and representatives of Scientific Diaspora of Azerbaijan

Possibilities of collaboration were discussed between Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and German scientific community. During his visit to Berlin, which lasted from the 28th October to 2nd November, a delegation led by President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh met with scientists from Germany and representatives of the Scientific Diaspora of Azerbaijan. The trip was organized by the Embassy of Germany to Azerbaijan. As part of the trip was a round table on “Azerbaijan - Germany: the place and role of science in bilateral ties”, were held meetings in the Humboldt Foundation, Center of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, as well as a meeting with the Vice President of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAN) Christoph Markshis. At a meeting held in BBAN discussed the strengthening bilateral cooperation. A proposal was made to sign a memorandum with ANAS soon.

Then there was a meeting with the head of the faculty of “History of Azerbaijan”, Humboldt University - Eva Maria Auch. The event was an exchange of views on the publication of books in Germany on the history of Azerbaijan and training encyclopedia of our country, as well as future cooperation with the Central Library of ANAS.

The delegation also visited the Academy of Pergamon (Pergamon) and ethnological museums. Here they are familiarized with the exhibits that reflect the history, art and culture of Iran, Afghanistan and other eastern states, and Turkic peoples.

On the trip also participated vice president of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev, director of the Institute of the History of Science, Doctor of Historical Sciences Maryam Seyidbeyli and Deputy Head of International Relations Office of the Presidium of ANAS Zarifa Aliyeva.

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