Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the creation of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve “Mount Beshbarmag”
08.06.2020 16:33
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Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the creation of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve “Mount Beshbarmag”

Around Beshbarmag Mountain, which is one of the unique natural monuments of Azerbaijan, located in the territory of the village of Galashikhi, Siyazan district, there are a number of historical and cultural monuments under state protection (the settlement dating back to the Late Bronze - Early Iron Age, the sanctuary of Khizirzind, the ruins of the fortress related to Early Middle Ages, the remains of the caravansaray of the XV-XVII centuries).

Beshbarmag dating back to the early Middle Ages within the framework of the parallel defensive line “Caspian coastal defense structures” on October 24, 2001 was included in the UNESCO list of tangible and cultural heritage in urgent need of protection.

Considering the importance of Mount Beshbarmag for the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, in order to protect the cultural and natural heritage in the adjacent territories, as well as to develop tourism here, being guided by paragraph 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I decide:

1. The territory of the natural monument of Mount Beshbarmag, located in the village of Galashikhi, Siyazan district, shall be declared the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve “Mount Beshbarmag”.

2. The State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall ensure the management of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve "Mount Beshbarmag".

3. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

3.1. The State Agency for Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan,  Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences together with the Executive Authority of the Siyazan region within two months to establish and approve the borders and conservation zone of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve " Mount Beshbarmag ";

3.2. Within three months, to establish a special regime for the territory of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve "Mount Beshbarmag" and inform the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.3. Solve other issues arising from this Order.

4. The necessary expenses associated with the functioning of the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Reserve "Mountain Beshbarmag" shall be carried out at the expense of the funds provided in the state budget of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2020 for the State Tourism Agency of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, June 8, 2020.

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