Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Indonesia introduced a eucalyptus necklace to combat coronavirus
06.07.2020 15:11
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Indonesia introduced a eucalyptus necklace to combat coronavirus


The Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia has introduced an antiviral necklace based on eucalyptus, which, according to the creators, is able to help treat coronavirus infected people and even protect against COVID-19 transmission. The news was shown by the head of the department, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, the Jakarta Post reported on Monday.

"Specialists from the national agency for research and development of health care (subordinate to this ministry - approx. TASS) have combined samples of more than 700 varieties of eucalyptus," the official told reporters. According to him, "tests have shown that if you wear a similar herbal collection for 30 minutes, about 80% of viruses like COVID-19 die." The minister also said that he "wears an" anti-virus necklace "when attending various social events."

At the same time, the head of the agency, Fajri Jifri, said that "eucalyptus has already been used in the treatment of patients who have been found to have coronavirus, and they have observed positive dynamics."

Eakman Erawati Sudoyo, deputy director of the Jakarta-based Institute of Molecular Biology, acknowledged that "the components of eucalyptus have previously been found to be effective in fighting viruses." However, the scientist warned that "long-term studies are needed to claim the ability of this plant to fight or protect against the coronavirus." 

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