As is known, since the morning of September 27, the Armenian armed forces have intensively fired on Azerbaijani settlements and civilians. After that, by the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, successful counter-offensive operations were launched.
Under the leadership of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the Academy, as the largest scientific institution of the country, demonstrates its full support to the President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the Azerbaijani Army in these responsible and glorious days.
These days, on the instructions of the leadership of the academy, the scientific institutions of ANAS transfer certain funds to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund at their own expense and provide assistance.
The Experimental-Industrial Plant, a resident of the High Technology Park of ANAS, also joined the initiative to support our National Army. Thus, the plant provided a large number of medical supplies to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund, as well as medical centers and military units in the Tartar and Fizuli regions. This includes White Naphthalene oil, “Naftaderm” shampoo and lotion, including other personal hygiene products, various painkillers, wound dressings, alcohol, dressings, etc.
Victory is ours!
As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief said: "Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan!"
Vasif Abbasov, Director of the High Technologies Park of ANAS
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