Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Institute of Philosophy and Law of ANAS paid tribute to national leader
12.12.2014 00:00
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Institute of Philosophy and Law of ANAS paid tribute to national leader

Institute of Philosophy and Law of ANAS hosted for commemorative ceremony devoted to Great Azerbaijani Leader Heydar Aliyev’s 11th anniversary of death. Reporting in the event director of the institute, Doctor of Philosophy Ilham Mammadzadeh noted that due to Heydar Aliyev’s far-sighted policy in political, social, economic, and cultural life was decisive both during the Soviet period, and in the years of independence of Azerbaijan. Senior researcher of Department of political theories of the institute Sanan Hasanov told about activity of school, which studies heritage of the National Leader. Leading researcher of the Department of International Relations and International Law, PhD in engineering Khalig Ahmadzadeh told about Heydar Aliyev's historical merits, administrative activity, and also about moral qualities.

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