The book “Azərbaycan uşaq mətbuatında rus ədəbiyyatı məsələləri (1906-1920)” ("Issues of Russian literature in the Azerbaijani children's press (1906-1920)") by the head of the Department of Press History and Publicism of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, doctor of philological sciences, professor, writer Vuqar Ahmad has been published.
The monograph is dedicated to the memory of the great literary scholar, doctor of philological sciences, professor, master of the author Kheyrulla Mammadov.
The scientific editor of the book is the vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli.
The 112-page monograph examines Azerbaijani-Russian literary relations on the basis of children's literature of the early twentieth century. The book consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and literature.
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