Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Scientists have proved the existence of the soul
16.02.2021 10:27
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Scientists have proved the existence of the soul

Researchers from the United States do not rule out the existence of the soul after the physiological death of the body.

American scientists believe that consciousness exists even after the biological death of a person and the complete disintegration of the body. Thus, the human mind is a subject of information that exists at the quantum level.

According to this hypothesis, the storage of quantum information are micropipes based on protein structures that spread to the universe after the body's death. For example, when people experience clinical death, they temporarily lose quantum information that is perceived as spirit. After resuscitation, quantum information is returned to the person.

Researchers say that if consciousness could exist on a quantum level outside the body, people would be virtually immortal.

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