Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The air of the United Arab Emirates will be turned into drinking water
26.02.2021 17:54
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The air of the United Arab Emirates will be turned into drinking water

The air of the desert areas of the United Arab Emirates will be turned into drinking water on the basis of an innovative project of the technology company "Zero Mass Water".

Thus, the air contains about 95% water vapor. This water vapor is formed mainly as a result of evaporation of rain, ocean, sea and river water. Thus, there is about 12,000 billion liters of water in the air, and this water can be used to save water resources and energy.

The company started its project with 1250 panels. These panels absorb water vapor through solar energy. Equipped with filters, these machines can only pick up water molecules and capture them even in a polluted environment. Therefore, the area around Dubai is an ideal place for the project.

2 panels are enough to meet the drinking water needs of a house.

The innovative concept can be easily implemented even in the driest parts of the world.

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