Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


China is the leader in the number of scientific publications on artificial intelligence
04.03.2021 11:40
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China is the leader in the number of scientific publications on artificial intelligence

According to a study by Stanford University, China has become the leader in the number of scientific studies on artificial intelligence, leaving behind the United States and Europe.

China is ahead of its main competitors (the European Union and the United States) in both the total number of publications in scientific journals and the number of peer-reviewed publications. In the first case, 22.4% of the total number of scientific articles falls on China, 16.4% on the European Union and 14.6% on the United States, and in the second case, this figure is 18%, 8.6%, respectively and is equal to 12.3%.

However, experts from Stanford University note that the United States maintains its leadership in the volume of research developed in collaboration with scientific institutions and companies operating in the field of artificial intelligence.

According to the citation index, Singapore, Australia and Switzerland are in the lead.


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