Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


A special issue of the international magazine is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh
09.03.2021 09:24
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A special issue of the international magazine is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh

As is known, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a relevant order dated January 25, 2021 on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of prominent scientist Lotfi Zadeh.

In connection with the 100th anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh, a special issue of the international journal “Applied and Computational Mathematics” entitled “Fuzzy logic and its application to modeling epidemies: Coronavirus and beyond” was published.

It should be noted that “Applied and Computational Mathematics”, the only journal with an impact factor in our country, is co-founded by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Baku State University's Applied Mathematics Research Institute. The editors-in-chief of the magazine are academicians from Azerbaijan Fikret Aliev, Ali Abbasov and professor Vladimir Larin from Ukraine.

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