Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Organic compounds were discovered for the first time on the asteroid
12.03.2021 14:28
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Organic compounds were discovered for the first time on the asteroid

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has released the results of several years of observations of samples of the asteroid Itokawa.

According to the agency, in addition to having all the conditions for the formation of life, the asteroid has evolved over billions of years. Human civilization is at the beginning of the process of mastering space. The first steps in this direction are very difficult, and the creation of effective mechanisms for the analysis of the data obtained can take years and even decades.

Some time ago, the Japanese space agency provided interesting information about the first spacecraft Hayabusa, which was sent to the asteroid Itokawa in 2010. Scientists say they have found traces of organic compounds and water on the asteroid. However, the samples obtained have undergone an evolutionary process.

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