Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.02.2015 00:00
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ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences submitted scientific –organizing activities for 20014

ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences submitted scientific –organizing activities for 20014

On 6 February, 20015 scientific –organizing activities of ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences for 2014 has been submitted in a meeting of Presidium.

Academician-secretary of the department, academician Dilgam Tagıyev made a reported about this.

He said that, in activity of department institutes for 2014 were based on “National strategy for development of science in the Azerbaijan Republic in 2009-2015”, “State program on realization of National strategy for development of science in Azerbaijan Republic in 2009-2015” and other important documents.

The speaker reported that at the institutes and organizations of DCS the researches on 47 themes covering 16 problems, studies on 8 themes have been successfully completed during the reporting year. Scientific department institutes and a number of higher education institutions of the republic received 8 important scientific results in the field of basic researches and 7 results in the field of applied scientific researches. 11 works were performed, provided in the Plan of application.

Then D. Tagiyev informed attendees about research works and their results.

He noted that, as in every year, institutes realize a number of important actions in the sphere of development of the international scientific relations. In the relevant areas were established relations of cooperation and the exchange of scientific staff and experience with Russia, Japan, Germany, Spain and other countries.

At the specialized councils on thesis defending of department institutes were reserved 26 theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and 6 theses for the degree of Doctor of Science. In 2014, 22 books and monographs prepared by chemists were published; several articles were published in journals with impact factor. Academician noted that the important scientific results obtained at the department of institutions were reflected not only in the materials of national events, congresses and symposium but also, international ones.

Then, reports made by academics Ahliman Amiraslanov, Isa Habibbayli Rasim Alguliev, Adil Garibov, Vagif Farzaliyev, Vagif Abbasov.

In conclusion, according to the decision of ANAS Presidium scientific-organizational activity of ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences for 2014 was approved. Oversight on decision execution was assigned to vice-president of ANAS, academician Tofig Nagiyev.

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