Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The idea that there is a link between the brain size of primates and the number of social contacts has not been confirmed
06.05.2021 10:15
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The idea that there is a link between the brain size of primates and the number of social contacts has not been confirmed

Swedish scientists have repeated the calculations made by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, but have not confirmed the theory he put forward in 1992 - the relationship between the number of friends and the brain size of humans and other primates. This was reported by Biology Letters, citing the University of Stockholm.

According to Patrick Lindenfors, an associate professor at Stockholm University, a new study found that the theoretical basis on which the Danbar number is derived is not solid. Other primate brains do not process information as humans do. The formation of different primate groups is influenced by factors such as what they eat and which savages attack them. In addition, the typical dimensions of social relationships between people are very different.


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