Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Institute of Physiology of ANAS held event devoted to the Zarifa Aliyeva 92nd anniversary
26.04.2015 00:00
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Institute of Physiology of ANAS held event devoted to the Zarifa Aliyeva 92nd anniversary

Institute of Physiology of ANAS held event devoted to the 92


 anniversary of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva.

In advance, minute of silence was cherished the memory of academician Zarifa Aliyeva.

Opening the event director of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ulduz Hashimova spoke about the rich life path, educational and medical activity of the outstanding scientist Zarifa Aliyeva, who devoted her life to the development of ophthalmology in Azerbaijan.

Then the Head of the Biophysics of cellular metabolism laboratory of this scientific venture, Dr. physics-math Ahmad Hajiyev made a presentation on the life and work of the scientist. It was noted that, currently the number of laboratories at the Institute for studies related to the preservation of the transparency of the eye lens and impaired vision, use the scientific achievements of Zarifa Aliyeva in the field of ophthalmology.

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