Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.05.2015 05:45
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Bulgarian scientist delivered lecture at Institute of Geography

Bulgarian scientist delivered lecture at Institute of Geography

Next seminar at Institute of Geography was dedicated to Bulgarian researcher, writer, director of the Center for Strategy and Analysis, Professor Stoyan Dinkov’s “Paleogeography and DNK genealogy” lecture, on May 20.

Director of the scientific venture, acad. Ramiz Mammadov informed about the lecturer and said that, grew up in the family of famous Bulgarian poet Ivan Dinkov, scientist is engaged in the study of history and paleogeography of Bulgaria and Turkey. The researcher is the author of “Ottoman-Roman Empire, Bulgarians and Turks", "Turan – from skiffs and Huns, up to Turks and Bulgarians", "Politonyms in Genetics and Paleogeography” and other books. Living in Baku since 2013 S.Dinkov is being prepared “Paleogeography of genetic landscape of Nagorno-Karabakh” for publication.

In closing, lecturer responded the questions of attendees.

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