Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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Corresponding member of ANAS Shahbaz Muradov is 75 years old
07.08.2015 07:28
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Corresponding member of ANAS Shahbaz Muradov is 75 years old

Notable economist-scientist, chief department of the Institute of Economy, corresponding member of ANAS Shahbaz Muradov is 75 years old on August 10.

Shahbaz Muradov was born in Khumarta village, Lachin region in 1940. Graduated with honors from Azerbaijan State University Department of Economics in 1961, defended PhD thesis in 1965, and doctoral in 1972, was awarded the title of Professor in 1977.

Began working as a junior researcher at the Institute of Economics of AAS in 1961, scientist promoted to the posts of senior researcher and head department. He worked deputy director for scientific affairs in 1991-1998, and director of the institute in 1999-2008.

Currently, employs at the Department of Demography and Economics of the workforce reproduction problems of the Institute of Economy as a chief department.

In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Sh. Muradov is a member of National Committee of the UNESCO to Republic of Azerbaijan for "Bioethics, ethics of scientific knowledge and technology", editor-in-chief of ANAS News "Economy" series, and board member of Defense Council of the Institute of Economics of ANAS.

He is an author of about 500 works in the field of economy, monographs, books, manuals, and program.

Scientist was recognized an outstanding scientist and demographer for his studies dealing with gender problems in the sphere of women's employment and employment in the CIS for the first time. Supervised for more than 90 PhDs and Doctors of sciences.

Sh.Muradov’s merits were highly appraised by the state. He was deserved to "Shohrat” order, "For selfless labor" Jubilee Medal, "Hero of Labor" medal etc.

We congratulate celebrate Azerbaijan scientist on the occasion of 75th anniversary, wish him long life, robust health, and successes in development of Azerbaijan science.

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