Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The delegation of ANAS visited Institute of Geology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
16.12.2013 00:00
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The delegation of ANAS visited Institute of Geology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Azerbaijan delegation consisting of the President of ANAS Akif Alizadeh, vice president of ANAS Isa Habibbayli, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Poland Hasan Hasanov and III Secretary Samir Rzayeva visited the Institute of geology of the Polish Academy of Sciences(PAS). During a meeting with the Polish side has participated Director of the Institute Prof. Marek Lewandowski, prof. Christina Shirochinska, prof. John Miroslav-Grabowska, Dinara Abbasova. During the meeting the number of questions about further cooperation was discussed. It was decided to expand cooperation in joint research, training, exchange of experience, in accordance with the agreement dated May 9, 2013 between the Institute of Geology and the Institute of Geology PAS. While meeting the delegation of Azerbaijan was acquainted with institute structure, laboratories, informed on the conducted researches and participation of employees in the international projects. At the end of a meeting the President of ANAS Akif Alizadeh invited the Polish delegation to visit Institute of Geology of ANAS and to examine mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan for detailed discussion of joint researches, and also for the purpose of development of the program of an exchange by experience.

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