Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Order of the AR President on publishing "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
02.03.2016 20:37
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Order of the AR President on publishing "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

Recurrent of natural disasters on the Earth, as well as the expansion of human activities lead to an intensification of the natural and man-made emergencies.

Thanks broad constructive works in Azerbaijan in last twenty years are being implemented large-scale projects of national and international importance. In this regard, public authorities, which engaged in the protection of the population and the infrastructure, planning of preventive measures to anticipate emergency situations, and taking the relevant decisions in this area, are required a single scientific-practical approach. Simultaneously is taken to the fore the systemic scientific study of destructive natural phenomena that have occurred and may arise in the country, the comprehensive assessment of the possible damage and risks caused by them.

From this point of view the publication "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan" has a great socio-economic importance. The purpose of publishing the Atlas is in the rational use of natural resources, protection of the population, settlements, industrial and agricultural enterprises, and other infrastructure facilities, including the strategic oil and gas pipelines, communication lines from emergencies, reasonable issues of development of productive forces.

Governed by clause 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic, I resolve:

1. To publish "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

2. To approve the following composition of the editorial board of the "Atlas of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan":

Chairman of editorial board

Abid Sharifov - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Vice-Chairmen of the editorial board:

Kamaladdin Heydarov - Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Akif Alizadeh - President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Executive Secretary

Ramiz Mammadov - Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Members of the editorial board:

Shahin Mustafayev - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Natig Aliyev - Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ogtay Shiraliyev - Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ramin Guluzadeh - Minister of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan Republic

Ziya Mammadov - Minister of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Heydar Asadov - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Huseyn Bagirov - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Republic

Abulfaz Garayev - Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic

Mikail Jabbarov - Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic

Karam Hasanov - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Property

Tahir Budagov - Chairman of Azerbaijan State Committee on Statistics

Faig Tagi-zadeh - Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Rovnag Abdullayev - President of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic

Ilyas Alizadeh - Head of the Department of Ecology of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic

Ibrahim Guliyev - Vice President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Gurban Yetirmishli - director of the Republican Seismological Survey Center

Ulduz Hashimova - Director of the Institute of Physiology named after Academician A. Garayev of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Ilham Alakbarov - Director of the Institute of Zoology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Valida Alizadeh - Director of the Institute of Botany of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Elmira Ramazanova - Director of the Research Institute for Geotechnical Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry.

3. The Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, March 2, 2016.

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