Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS Annual General Meeting to be held
21.04.2016 09:34
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ANAS Annual General Meeting to be held

ANAS Presidium considered the issue on ANAS Annual General Meeting on April 20.

ANAS Academician-Secretary, Academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that, on the agenda of the meeting are issues such as the report on the implementation of the "National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015" and "State Program on implementation of the National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015", a report on the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS in 2015, some structural reforms carried out in ANAS, awarding the "Gold Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan on behalf Nizami Ganjavi" and nominal prizes of ANAS.

Presidium accepted the decision to hold the Annual General Meeting on April 29 of this year and on the approval of the agenda.

Also, the heads of structural divisions were given the relevant instructions in connection with preparations the materials, reflecting the issues which will be considered at the Annual General Meeting, the organization of the exhibition in connection with the event, etc.

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