Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.05.2016 09:39
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Watch out for e-skin, the next big tech wearable

Watch out for e-skin, the next big tech wearable

Forget smart watches and fitness trackers. The new e-skin will make these wearables redundant. With the cutting-edge smart skin technology, scientists have found a way to turn your entire body into an interactive digital display.

This way, you don’t have to wreak your wrist with chunky wearables. All you got to do is dab an ultra-thin layer of the newfangled fake skin on your real skin and enjoy an interactive digital experience.

The research group of Prof Takao Someya and Dr Tomoyuki Yokota at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering has developed a high-quality protective film less than two micrometers thick that enables the production of ultra-thin, ultra-flexible, high-performance wearable electronic displays and other devices.

The scientists confirmed that the e-skin, although lightweight, is durable and can survive hundreds of crumples and stretches and still work efficiently.

According to a study published in Science Advances, the e-skin is embedded with polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs), which can be affixed anywhere on your skin to view digital content. It comes in three colors: Red, green and blue. When hit with electrical pulses, these lights can turn on and off, mimicking pixels on a normal screen.

“The advent of mobile phones has changed the way we communicate. While these communication tools are getting smaller, they are still devices that we have to carry with us,” said Someya in a statement. “What would the world be like if we had displays that could adhere to our bodies and even show our emotions or level of stress or unease? In addition to not having to carry a device with us at all times, they might enhance the way we interact with those around us or add a whole new dimension to how we communicate,” Someya added.

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