Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.10.2016 17:00
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Round table on “Azerbaijan face-to-face Armenian terror for 25 years” held

Round table on “Azerbaijan face-to-face Armenian terror for 25 years” held

On October 26, ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights held a round table “Azerbaijan face-to-face Armenian terror for 25 years” devoted to 25th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Event was opened by director of the scientific venture Dr. Law Ayten Mustafazadeh who spoke on the achoevemnets of Azerbaijan during last 25 years. She stated that, rapid development and successes in the country are results of national leader Heydar Aliyev’s efforts.

A. Mustafayeva spoke about the difficulties faced by the people of the early years of independence. State independence was face-to-face the threat of collapse in 1991-1993. By returning national leader Heydar Aliyev to the power our country was saved from the threat of extinction, and was started sweeping reforms in socio-political, socio-economic, scientific-cultural life, including in the state-building process of the country. National leader's policy is being continued by President Ilham Aliyev decently, she said.

Later on, chief department of the institute, PhD in Politics Rovshen Valizadeh made speech on works done in the institute concerning Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. He noted that as a result of work carried out by this scientific institution, ASALA and other such Armenian terrorist organizations included in the list of international terrorist organizations, the US State Department.

Deputy Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office, Professor Fuad Izzetoghlu noted that on the basis of the Armenian terror against our country, is the fact that we are Muslims. "Armenian terror against us is manifested not only in national but also in the religious, ideological spheres", - he said F.Izzetoghlu.

Chief Department of History at the Academy of Public Administration, Professor Firdovsiyya Ahmadova spoke about the historical roots of Armenian terror. She noted that we must always remember that the Armenian terrorism is always an object of a threat to us, and we must wage a serious fight with him.

The event continued with performances of other participants.

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