Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


1st International Forum of the Caucasus Studies scholars
14.02.2017 11:15
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1st International Forum of the Caucasus Studies scholars

April 10-13, 2017, Institute of the Caucasus Studies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences holds I st International forum of the Caucasus Studies scholars. The following issues will be mainly discussed at forum:

I. Socio-economical and political situation of the Caucasus countries.

II. Geopolitics of the Caucasus

III. Mutual relations of the Caucasus countries

IV. Caucasus policy of Great Powers and neighbouring countries

V. Conflicts in the Caucasus

Interested applicants should send their abstract and reports to the following e-mail adresses in Azerbaijani, Russian, or English languages: and

Preparation and delivery of abstracts:

- Abstract should not exceed 300 words.

- Text should be written in Microsoft Word A4 size, Times New Roman 12 Font size, 1 tab space, the top and bottom margins 2 cm each, left margin 3 cm, right margin 1 cm and indents 1.15 cm.

- Author’s name, surname, scientific degree, position, the name of Instituation, email address and contact number should be written at the top right of the page with bold 12 font size and with black letters

- Should be sent till February 05, 2017.

Abstracts will be chosen by the academic council in accordance to complying the relevance to the Forum, scientific actuality and originality.The authors will be informed by February 20, 2017.

Preparation and delivery of the text of report:

- should be related to the options of Microsoft Word A4 size containing 7-10 pages, Times New Roman, 12 Font size, 1 tab space, the top and bottom margins 2 cm each, left margin 3 cm, right margin 1 cm and indents 1.15 cm.

- Author’s name, surname, scientific degree, position, the name of institute, email address and contact number should be written at the top of title page in the right corner with bold 12 font size and with black letters.

- After the author’s name and surname, the title of the report should be written with 12 Font size with black letters at the centre of the page.

- After the name of the report with adding abstract , key words should be given in Azerbaijani, English or Russian languages then the introduction, body part, conclusion and list of bibliographies will be written.

- At the end of the report should be given short summaries with the name of report.

- References should be titled as “List of references” and sorted in accordance with alphabetical order and match with numbered references.

- Given pictures, tables and charts should be separately numbered with brief explanations.

- Please inform before using Power Point

Submission deadline for accepted reports is March 10, 2017.

Applicants missing the deadline will not be invited to the forum.

Forum will be held on 17-18 April 2017 at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.

Organization Committee: Institute of the Caucasus Studies ANAS, Baku, H. Javid Ave., 117,

4th floor, room №446. Tel: +994 12 539 89 55. Email: 

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