Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.03.2017 17:18
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ANAS Ganja Division discussed state and further perspective directions of scientific researches

ANAS Ganja Division discussed state and further perspective directions of scientific researches

At a regular meeting ANAS Presidium which was held on March 15, Academician-Secretary of Ganja Dision, Academician Fuad Aliyev reported on "The state and further promising directions of scientific research conducted in Ganja department".

First of all, Academician reported on the research carried out in the scientific institutions of the Division: "The Department of Technical Sciences conducted research in such areas as the study and rational use of natural resources of the Ganja-Gazakh region, the certification of industrial waste, the use of bioresources in pharmacology, cosmetology and dyeing industry, Obtaining natural oils from various plants. The Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences conducted research and obtained important results in such priority areas as studying the cultural environment of the region, the life and work of outstanding thinkers, especially Nizami Ganjavi, Mehseti Ganjavi, Mirza Shafi Vazeh, and Ganjabasar folklore".

Fuad Aliyev noted that, in the reporting year the Presidium's decisions in the Division was created the Department of the Earth Sciences, Center for Distance Education of the Institute of Information Technology, branch chairs of individual universities, Council of Young Scientists and Specialists. He added that, in 2016, 26 studies were conducted on six issues, covering 30 works, including 25 topics.

The scientist also spoke about the publishing activities of the department and personnel training: "In the reporting year, the department staff published 188 scientific papers, including 4 books, 140 articles, 52 of which were published abroad, 43 theses, 9 of which were published abroad . In foreign journals with impact factor published 27 articles. Members of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the department published 29 scientific articles and 8 abstracts in various languages in USA, Japan, Italy, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other countries.

Last year, PhD and two dissertators whose work was preliminary discussion, submitted their documents to the council for protection. One PhD defended his thesis and presented his documents to the Higher Attestation Commission under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Also, one of the department's employees entered a doctorate for the training of doctors of sciences".

The academician noted that, have been expanded the international relations at the Division, cooperation with scientific centers and higher educational institutions of the USA, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Russia and other countries continues. In addition, archival documents and copies of books on political, economic and military topics were brought to study the history of Ganja from the Ottoman archive of the Turkish Prime Minister and the State Library of Bayazid, the types of ancient crafts and the history of the appearance of the existing quarters in the region were brought.

After listening to the report, discussions took place. By decision of the Presidium, the report was adopted, these prospective directions were adopted as the basis for the further activities of the branch institutes. It was entrusted to develop a plan of measures for conducting research in priority areas in research institutions, coordinate research, and also to carry out staff training in doctoral studies and dissertations in perspective scientific fields.

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