Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Professor Isa Aliyev is 60
06.10.2013 00:00
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Professor Isa Aliyev is 60

Today notable economist, International Socrates laureate, director of ANAS Institute of Economy prof. Isa Aliyev is 60.

Isa Aliyev was born on October 8, 1953 in Galaser village, Derelyez district. Finished secondary school in 1970 and got intramural education at Azerbaijan People Economy Institute department of “Political economy” in 1970-75.

Entered intramural post-graduate school in 1975, defended PhD thesis on political economy at Azerbaijan AS Institute of Economy in 1982, doctoral thesis in 2005. Gained the title of professor over “Economical theory”.

He has been attendee of more than 40 international and 100 republic-wide conferences symposiums. Author of 35 papers, theses, in general more than 300 academic works. Supervised 27 PhD, 4 doctoral theses, as well as carried out works related in management of economic theory and agrarian field in the country.

I.Aliyev was deserved to “The best top-manager of the year” in 2011 by European Business Assembly (EBA) Council of Experts, “The name in science” title of honorary and diploma in 2012, and International Socrates Award in 2013 by the ABA other awards as well.

Scientist is one of the founders of the International Union of Economists of Eurasia, a member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, the president of the Union of Economists of the Turkic speaking countries.

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