Scientists from the Kerala Agricultural University, located in India, managed to develop an environmentally friendly way of converting human hair into liquid fertilizer. Preliminary field trials satisfied the experimenters.
Raw materials are supplied to local hairdressers. After washing, the hair is heated to the state of a dark substance. Analyzes showed a significant content of nitrogen in human hair, as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. But in much smaller quantities.
Plants treated with a spray of hair develop faster than synthetic fertilizers. According to the rector of the University of Kerala, fertilizer from hair supplies the plants with the same trace elements as chemical fertilizers, but the process of its decomposition takes longer. This property can be used for the production of fertilizers of extended action.
A new development allows you to kill two birds with one stone First, take a course to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Secondly, to help with utilization of the human hair, creating serious load of water-purifying systems in the cities of India.
In addition to human hair, waste from animal husbandry - feathers, wool, horns - can serve as a material for liquid fertilizer.
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