Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Institute of Economy announced a contest for research works
14.11.2017 09:25
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Institute of Economy announced a contest for research works

ANAS Institute of Economy announced a contest for research works in order to improve the quality of research and stimulation of the institution's employees.

According to the rules of the competition the heads of the Institutes departments having evaluated the general reports until November 30 and research work on the individual plan of the employees should submit it to the commission of the competition until December 10.

Winning departments and their employees will be awarded the honorable diplomas and cash prizes at the expense of the Institute's off-budget funds.

So, 1st place will be awarded a cash prize in 1500 manats, 2nd place - 1000 manat, 3 place - 500 manat.

According to individual plans the 1st place will be awarded with a cash prize in the amount of 600 manats, 2nd place - 400 manat, 3 place - 200 manats.

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