Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijani scientist awarded the international award "Rank in Science"
01.12.2017 14:34
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Azerbaijani scientist awarded the international award "Rank in Science"

The long-term successful scientific and organizational activity of the Head of the Soil Erosion Laboratory of ANAS Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, PhD. in Agrarian Sciences Zakir Aliyev is highly appreciated. The Azerbaijani scientist was awarded the international award "The title in science".

The international awards ceremony will be held on December 19 in Oxford, UK. The Azerbaijani scientist will participate in the XV Summit of Leaders in 2017, which will be organized in the UK by the Oxford Academic Union, the Committee of the Socratic Commission, the European Business Assembly, EBA-GLOBAL, Europe's leading science, education and business.

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